Micro Loan Project
Our purpose is to move families out of poverty by empowering them financially thus empowering a nation: Uganda is a developing nation (what others call third world). Statistics show that 80% of the families in this country survive on less than a dollar a day. It is a historical fact that Uganda has suffered a lot owing to inherited bad leadership right from the colonial times which later resulted into wars and conflicts, HIV-AIDS. The kind of poverty and suffering witnessed in the communities therefore, is alarming. The country currently has a 75% unemployment rate. This indeed calls for immediate action.
We are therefore, committed to empowering people; first by teaching and inspiring them to transform their view of life; and then equipping their business dreams by a micro loan and revolving fund.
Though our financial base is still so minimal compared to the need on ground, we believe as we progress, we will meet others of the same mind (willing to commit to the same cause) and together, will move families out of poverty.