Feed the Hungry East Africa
Feed The Hungry is dedicated to feeding the poor and hungry around the world, empowering the church worldwide, and sharing the hope that comes through Jesus Christ. Founded by missionary statesman Dr. Lester Sumrall (1913–1996) in 1987 to respond to God’s challenge, “That my church in the third world does not die of hunger before I return.”
Feed The Hungry has delivered more than $500 million of food and supplies to hungry, hurting people in 92 nations around the globe. By feeding the hungry together, and delivering it in the name of Christ’s love, you are joining with Feed The Hungry to help change people’s lives for the better, for the future…and for eternity!
Feed the Hungry East Africa is an organisation based in Bulenga headed by Pr. Solomon Mwesige, senior Pastor Good News Church – Bulenga.
It was basically setup in East Africa to respond to the food challenges in the region for example the drought in Northern Uganda and the wars in the borders of the region. in order to cater for refugees.
Different projects have been setup to soften the lives of the people leaving in the drought areas such as Karamoja and helping some refugees live a warm life in the region forexample the digging of water boreholes, giving out food to the people of Karamoja, Kiryandongo, Rwamwanja and other regions giving out seeds to be planted in Karamoja and else where the drought has hit.
Reaching out
These prisoners had just been freed after serving their sentences in Karamoja. They were truly malnourished to the least in a way that they were not even able to do some activities.
Testimonies arose right away after they feeding on the Manapack that was served by Pr. Solomon Mwesige during his third visit to Karamoja taking there food and the people who were mulnorished gained their energies and some were able to regain energy to go to their designated homes later on after feeding from the Mana Pack.

Providing Food
The guarantee of a daily meal gives these people of Karamoja region a chance to to live, while offering them hope for a better, brighter future.

Clean Water
Drilling boreholes in the Karamoja region in order to supply people with safe drinking water for both live stock and home consumption.
Feeding My Nation
Beloved FTH Feeding My Nation Reader,
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in these continuing unprecedented times!
The “new normal” has come along with immeasurable anxiety and fear in as far as the future is concerned. Many questions linger in our minds and answers are far from satisf ying our curiosity. Was all that we were doing before 2020, now obsolete? Is it possible that some of the things that we were doing can be transformed into the now and future arrangements? Is there a radical requirement that everything must be new? Download below to see how The Feed the Hungry East Africa responded to those questions.